St Augustine's Academy

Where we all shine

Emergency Closure Learning


Good morning everyone,

We hope you are all awake and ready for a rather unusual day.   As you know, the water pipes at school are frozen and your toilets and basins are not working.   This means that we can't open the school today.  Plumbers are on the way to sort out the problem and they will try to make sure that this never happens again.

Your teachers have put together some learning for you to do at home and you can find all of this by looking at the pages below.  There is 1 page for each year group.  If you complete all of your learning and have time to do more, please visit the 'Learning Zone' on our website for more activities to try.

Also, please remember to look at the newsletter that will be sent out this afternoon.  Some of you have been awarded certificates for your learning this week and your names will be on the newsletter.  Congratulations to all of you!  We will present you with your certificates in Collective Worship on Monday.

Have a good day everyone. 

Best wishes

Mrs Howes