St Augustine's Academy

Where we all shine


Ofsted visited our school on 5th and 6th June 2024 and we are delighted to have been judged as a 'Good' school once again.  The complete Ofsted report can be viewed below. 

The Ofsted Guide for Parents can be accessed by clicking on the following link.  School inspections - A Guide for Parents.


If you would like to find out more information about Ofsted then please follow the link below.

Ofsted Website



Parents and carers can give their views of our school at any time of the school year by using an online questionnaire called Parent View.

When our school is notified of its next Ofsted inspection, parents will be invited to give their views about the school to inspectors using the Parent View online facility. You can access the questionnaire by following the picture link below.

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school