St Augustine's Academy

Where we all shine

British Values


 Year 5 and Year 6 Magistrates Visit 


At St. Augustine's Academy we promote the fundamental British values of:

  • Democracy
  • The Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

British values are fully embedded into the everyday life of our school and are enhanced through both our Curriculum and extended Curriculum.  Here are some of the ways in which we do this.



Pupils are given the opportunity to have their voices heard through the democratic election of School Councillors and their participation in pupil questionnaires.  School Councillors take part in the interviewing of new staff members; take a lead role in the organisation of whole school events; share pupil views with staff and act as ambassadors for our school.  


The Rule of Law

For their own and others safety and protection, our pupils are taught the value and importance of following laws, regulations and codes and the reasoning behind them.  At the beginning of each year, pupils are involved in creating a class Code of Conduct; our school code of conduct and behaviour system identifies rewards and consequences for actions which the whole school adheres to.

In addition to our Curriculum, throughout the year, assemblies celebrate and reinforce safety procedures and rules.  Visitors to the school such as Magistrates, the Fire Service and the Hazard Alley Safety Team also help children to understand why rules are important.


Individual Liberty

At St Augustine's, pupils are encouraged to make a range of choices knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.  Pupils make personal choices about their learning e.g. through discussing what they would like to learn at the start of new topics and through the setting of individual curricular targets.  They evaluate the learning of others both verbally and in written form and make contributions to the content of class assemblies.  Wherever possible, our pupils are given the opportunity to become independent and resilient learners; this is further promoted through the school's SELF programme which focuses on building pupils' self-awareness, self-esteem, self-control, self-motivation, self-sufficiency and self-reflection.


Mutual Respect

Our school delivers a Values based education with ‘Respect’ being one of our core values. Pupils are given opportunities throughout the year to be involved in a range of community projects designed to develop respectful relationships with others and a range of charities are also supported throughout the year. 

Pupils in Years 4 - 6 may attend Junior Wardens which is a Dunstable Town Council organised project which promotes citizenship, pride of place and personal safety.

Respect for the environment and for the belongings of others is also strongly promoted at St. Augustine's e.g. recycling bags can be found in all classrooms.  


Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Through providing pupils with opportunities to discuss and experience our rich and diverse society we ensure they are tolerant and open-minded.  As part of our Curriculum, pupils gain a diverse knowledge and awareness of various world faiths and religions, especially through RE and PSHCE lessons.  Pupils have opportunities to visit and explore places of worship e.g. pupils take part in the Queen’s Park Faith tour where they visit All Saints Parish Church, Westborne Road Mosque and Guru Nanak Gurdwara.  Visitors to school provide further opportunities to promote tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.